Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Science of Science

Science in Schools. How do you teach science? and how do you teach science in public schools? If I am required to be quiet about any sort of Creator or point to any sort of creation, how do I not go crazy? Why am I allowed to present a science theory or hypothesis and show the pro's and con's of it but cannot show the con's of the theory of evolution and cannot present the truth of Creation? Sorry, I am just thinking out loud and none of these things are applying to me presently. Just pondering/wondering. I start instructing a class for 1-5 grade at an elementary school this Friday. The lesson is on bugs; sounds like it will be fun. Bugs are awesome and I have a feeling it will bring a lot of reaction out of the girls in the class while the guys will love it. I just want to present this science class in such a way that the kids see the beauty and complexity of God's creation and that His general revelation leads them to believe His special revelation. I hope that somehow I can share God's special revelation with them in such a way to honor my boss and the school I am teaching at. Whats new with you guys? leave a comment.

(Still trying to nail down a Mad Science name please leave a vote in the comments. these are the ones in the runnings but please feel free to come up with another: Terminator T; Mr. T; Mr. Ty the Science Guy; Tornado Tyler; and Ken suggested Test-Tube Tyler but that makes me feel awkward.)


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