Wednesday, September 06, 2006

School has started!

Dude, I have been such a slacker with blogging....sorry about that. I want to give a quick run down of all that is happening and happened. (It may not make sense but here it goes.) I am back at school for senior year of college and classes are sweet. (Especially this sweet class on Medieval European history.) recently got a job with a corporation called MadScience. If you picture Bill Nye the Science Guy you know what this job is like. I will be working in the afterschool program and possibly preschool program as a Mad Scientist trying to get the kids excited about science; blowing things up with them; making slime with them. (Unfortunately Hydrochloric Acid is not included in the list of chemicals I can use with the kids.) But I am super excited! Please pry that I can make a positive impact on the kids, parents, and teachers. I actually get to go into the schools and teach. crazy, I know I still cant believe it; but somehow they are going to let me. Also, I have to think of a mad scientist name for myself. If have any ideas please post it in the comment board. Most of the names I have heard are like Spacey Susan or Crazy Steve or Mad Mike. I was thinking Tetrahedral Tyler but figured the preschoolers wouldnt understand. well I gotta go. Today is Stephanies birthday and I get the privelage to hang out with the birthday girl.
peace and love,


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