Update...Hey sorry it has been so long without a post...I think two months. Dude what was I thinking? Well, things are going well. Life is busy and I hear it just gets busier. Just started a job for a street sweeping company. I work Friday nights once a week. Its pretty cool although very random. Picture this....hold up first close your eyes and then imagine this...well that doesnt really make any sense because for you to close your eyes would mean you couldnt read what I would like for you to imagine, so scratch all of that mambo jamambo. here it goes: you are walking in about 50 degree weather late at night by yourself. The streets that are usually streaming with cars are silent and the stores full of life and people on their cell phones are now empty. You are in a parking lot with a leaf blower strapped to your back and head phones in your ears. The life of a street sweeper; loud yet peaceful, late yet not tired, largely working by yourself yet providing very good conversation with the other sweepers late at night. For this job I got a new gadget for Christmas...I know I know lame to get your presents before Christmas yet alone before thanksgiving the holiday where its not even legal to listen to Christmas music before or put your tree up before (yet somehow Home Depot, Lowes and various drug stores get away with selling Christmas stuff it seems right after Halloween???) but this MP3 player is so fun to mess around with.
Also, the MadScience job is finishing up. Although it made life busier and class management was not in my dictionary, I will genuinely miss the kids in the classes I taught. I sort of grew an attachment for them...sort of like an extra arm or something. Anyways. This week we are learning about the weather and went outside to identify the different types of clouds. God's creation is amazing and there are so many different things I have learned from the elementary age curriculim that I have been teaching. Did you know that ultraviolet light is turned into visible light by some minerals and as a result they glow? I was amazed. Oh yeah, my Mad Science class equipment could have come in handy today as I am provided with some stuff called glowgerm basically a powder that glows in the presence of a blacklight. and it would have been so handy to use to figure out a code for a key pad used on a nearby neighborhood gate that cuts off traffic going through the valley I live in. Just put a little powder on the keys and wait till one car enters the code come back later with a blacklight and "voila!" I now have instant access to a once cutoff highway. It felt a little like CSI. All that to say is that I have enjoyed being a MadScientist. Well I love you all! Tyler